Taxpayer Bill of Rights
As Mayor, I will work toward implementing these standards for the taxpayers of the City of West Haven. I am calling on ALL candidates for a municipal office, regardless of political party or office sought to join me in making this pledge to taxpayers of the City of West Haven.
They are:
1)Recognize that taxpayers are the backbone of this City and without this support, the City would NOT be able to function.
2) Recognize that every dollar collected in taxes should be spent with the utmost care.
3)Recognize that every taxpayer in the City of West Haven should be treated with the utmost respect when dealing with any taxing authority in the City and that problems or disputes will be treated in a timely fashion and with the utmost concern for the taxpayer.
4)Recognize that any expenditure, budget or contract negotiation will be conducted in such a way as to PROTECT the taxpayer from any undue financial hardship, knowing that every dollar spent is generated from the hard work of the taxpayers within this City.
5)Recognize that the City government has the duty to cut spending wherever it can in order to keep taxes as low as possible and relieve any financial distress on the taxpayer.
These are not Republican principles, nor Democrat principles.
These are common sense principles that must be adhered to for the sake of all City taxpayers.
In Solidarity,
Steven R. Mullins
Write-In Candidate for Mayor